
Hello! Today I'll be doing a Product Review on Miss Jessie's Quick Curls. I must admit I was Very hesitant to buy this product because of my results with Curly Pudding. However, after feeling the texture and trying some of the product on my hair in the store I decided I would buy it because I really liked how it absorbed into my hair.
Product Description: Quick Curls weightless spiraling crème was formulated as a fast acting no fuss light weight styler that gives you the results you want fast. This fresh scented conditioning formula exclusively blended with essence of ginger flower and lime fruit activates a quick, light weight, frizz free smooth curl. Excellent for fingerstyling relaxed hair; no rods necessary, a rescue remedy for botched over processed texturizers and great for our beautiful white gals. Instructions for use: Apply to damp hair based on length and density. Air dry or diffuse dry. Enjoy! THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CHEMICALLY ALTERING!

Product Prices:
8 oz: $32.00
2 oz: $9.00
This product is currently on sale Until 12/31/2010 online @ MissJessies.com for BOGO Free!

I cowashed my hair so that I could really get the true results of the product. My hair was still moisturized from my Heated Olive Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, and Honey Hair Mask. I also used the rest of my Rosemary Rinse after my Cowash, I styled my hair into a simple TWA Fro using Miss Jessie's. I must say I really love the way this product absorbed into my hair. It didn't sit on the top of my hair like the Curly Pudding and it made my hair very soft and moisturized! I was able to pick out my fro very easily and apply some ECO Olive Oil Gel on my edges to bring out my TWA.
Product Grade: A
I recommend buying this product. However my recommendation is based off My Hair results. If this is a product that you will purchase to try on your hair I hope that you have the same positive results that I did.
Happy Product Hunting